Beyond Beans CPA's


flexible. responsive.


Generally, we find that Virtual Meetings are the most effective ways to communicate and stay in sync with our clients. We like to share our screens for demonstrations for:

BB Bundling = Business Success

Take your business to the next level by outsourcing your accounting and tax services.  Great businesses have excellent financial reporting and utilize tax CPA’s, not bookkeepers, to get the greatest guidance, report the most deductions, and in order to maximize growth.  With our talented CPA’s, we are here to help you accomplish your ultimate business and personal wealth goals.

My business life has been simplified from the moment we migrated our financials to Beyond Beans. We couldn’t have asked for a better service. Only months after starting with the basic package, we found that the greater value was in the CFO Package as they handle the cash flows and tax estimates, in conjunction with with the bookkeeping.

Trisha W.

Jeff Jackson helped us get our books straightened out and file our back taxes for the business and personal returns. We have used Beyond Beans Accounting for years now and since he handles the taxes too, we are able to focus on other things.

John P.
Peterkin Construction LLC

I needed help with our accounting of inventory and little did I know, I also needed to amend the last two years of business and personal returns after they reviewed the prior years returns. We received a large refund for 2019 and have been subscribed with Beyond ever since for quarterly tax projections and just about everything else financially. My personal taxes are synced up with the business stuff and I hardly have to worry about a thing outside of my business doors during the year. I couldn’t recommend them more.

Jennifer L.
Lindwell Fashion Boutique

For year I struggled with the accounting software and filing the returns myself. After contacting Timothy, I found out I wasn’t even filing my taxes correctly and was overpaying in payroll taxes. Tim converted my company to another type of business and I am saving tens of thousands annually while also giving myself time for other things other than struggling with my bookkeeping. My business is growing with my ability to focus on other things as well.

Peter B.

For years, I worked in my family business as the bookkeeper and after inheriting it, I continued this until the company outgrew my ability and I just continued to struggle. After a search online, I found out that I do not have to do everything myself. Beyond Beans has really helped me in forming metrics to focus on and our monthly calls are invaluable and really are quite short. Sometimes I request to skip them as we are really just chugging along and they make everything seem quite automatic, of sorts. God send.

Emily W.

Our restaurants have expanded and since we operate in multiple states now, we learned, late from that our prior CPA wasn’t reporting our activity correctly. After contacting Trina, we were able to organize our reporting better and our reporting is really a weekly report that we get showing what exactly we’re doing.

Javier G.

What People Say

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The Harsh Reality of the DYI Proprietor’s

fail within the first year
fail within the first 5 years
fail within the first 10 years
make it beyond 15 years

Why your accounting is failing your business

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content.

Inadequate Accounting Team

Let’s face it, it’s a tough hiring market out there. As such, good ideas and great business plans can still fail without the expertise of a CPA. Don’t just hire the cheapest accountant, outsource with us and get 20 years of experience at a fraction of the cost.

Poor Cash Flow Management

If you don’t maintain a pulse on the cash flows, how can you maximize every dollar spent in the business? With our CFO Bundle, we will ensure you always know when you’re earnings are being spend.

Too Much Pride

Entrepreneurs want to do it all. It’s in their blood. However, sooner or later, they’ll realize that they’re just being stretched too thin. They will need the experience of a tax and accounting CPA to help guide their decisions. Our Bundles pay for itself, exponentially after combining the tax savings along with the growth-enabled financial reporting provided.

Making the Wrong Hires

Hiring just a bookkeeper may sound like a good idea for the bottom line; however, if the bookkeeper doesn’t have the experience of CPA, they rarely will be able to maintain the complete financial and tax picture at each step of the journey.

Operational Inefficiencies

Sometimes the business idea itself is sound, and you have the right people and financial acumen, but operational inefficiencies are the thing that holds you back. Paying too much for rent, labor, machinery, materials, shipping and so on can put a strain on cash flow and kill the profit margin. In order for businesses to be successful over the long haul, they must demonstrate a constant willingness to reevaluate and negotiate rates, terms and contracts with the respective parties at every point on the supply chain. Only proper reporting with correct KPI metrics can ensure successful tracking on these important areas.

Accounting Tailored to Your Business


Many small and mid-sized businesses fail to adequately measure and manage their finances, even though poor financial management is a major cause of business failure. If you don’t have good financial practices in place, your business could suffer in a number of ways:

  • Lost revenue
  • Insufficient tax planning
  • Missed financial opportunities
  • Penalties and fines
  • Closing your doors
Our customer service sets our firm apart. We make it our priority to reach out to clients on a consistent basis because we care about the success of your business. Our experienced team of accountants also provide proactive business advice and tax planning, allowing you to maximize your profits. Need to reach out? No problem! Other accountants will bill you by the minute, but a unique benefit that we offer is allowing our clients to contact us as much as they’d like – at no additional cost.
We wil get read-only access to your banking activity, and take over from there. We will schedule monthly or quarterly meetings, depending on various factors to update you and answer any accounting, tax, or cash flow related questions. While we often schedule Zoom calls, often, an old fashioned telephone call suffices and as you’ll see, we are always available.
If you are looking for an outsourced accounting solution based on price alone, annual accounting may be enough for you. However, if your business is the right fit for monthly accounting services, they provide substantially more value than an annual service. If an accountant only sees your numbers once a year, it’s too late to offer advice that would have helped to make that year more profitable - and definitely too late to lower your tax liability for a year that is already over with. Please note that while we can handle your personal taxes as well if you are a business client of ours, many of our clients still choose to have an annual accountant do their personal taxes.
There are a variety of pros and cons for every accounting service, and we know that we aren’t the best solution for everybody. When you don't know the differences between outsourced accounting options, it's difficult to make the best decision for your business. If you trust other local vendors to help with your operations, why not trust a local accounting firm? Don’t automatically go for a name you recognize or the lowest price without doing your research first.

Trust your gut. If you’re already thinking about leaving your current accounting firm, then you’re ready to move on.

  • What if I’m making the wrong decision?
  • I’ve got too much going on right now.
  • I don’t want a new accountant to know that my books are a mess or my
  • taxes have fallen behind.
  • I can’t afford a different level of service.

Don’t forget the necessary steps to move forward once you make your decision. If you’d like, we can help you with the process.

  • Find a new accounting firm.
  • Inform your current accounting firm.
  • Set goals with your new accounting firm.
We primarily use two systems: Xero and QuickBooks Online. That being said, we will work with other systems depending on your preferences and needs. However, depending on the software you use, your subscription fee may be included in your monthly accounting fee.

To efficiently help you with your business goals, we require access to your online accounts and source documents, either in electronic or hard copy form. Common documents include, but are not limited to:

  • Business bank and credit card statements
  • Sales systems (POS)
  • Accounting software
  • Inventory
  • Accounts payable and receivable
We recommend having you handle the day-to-day aspects of your business that need immediate attention, such as paying your bills, and we'll handle the monthly accounting and bookkeeping. Some owners want to continue to handle the bookkeeping portion internally. BB allows this, although we don’t necessarily encourage it. Before we even consider this option, we would like you to have a professional bookkeeper on staff. Doing your own bookkeeping may hinder you more than it helps you if mistakes occur.